Discover us
Looking for Fun + Connection?
We are a women’s social club open to all women in the area. Our membership is a mixture of long-time residents and those who arrived more recently. We welcome ladies from all of Williamson County and even have quite a few members from Travis County. It’s a fun group, where “new neighbors” turn into friends!
Our diverse organization has much to offer women who share the desire to become involved in community.
We engage members in supporting social and civic causes for fun and philanthropy.
The heart of our mission is friendship. Our events welcome newcomers and build enduring connections.
Started more than 40 years ago by a group of young mothers new to the area, Round Rock New Neighbors has flourished into a group of almost 200.
Try us out!
Our calendar offers a range of activities for ladies to make new friends. There are so many events filled with food, fun and festivities. Ladies, you have come to the right place!
Our activities revolve around our Business/Luncheon Meeting and Interest Groups, which meet monthly. Groups try new restaurants, create, explore the arts, play games, garden, read books, go to movies, have events for single women, tour local attractions and help non-profits. Learn more.
You are invited to attend each of the New Neighbors scheduled activities one time before joining, so check out the calendar today!
What Members Say…
Caring Hands Events Coming Up!
Caring Hands at Hope Totes Wednesday February 26th 10am-12 noon Hope Totes provides decorated canvas tote bags filled with new clothing, pajamas, toiletries, and more to children being removed from their homes or schools and placed in foster or emergency locations. Caring Hands...
January Birthdays (click here)
This week we wish the “lucky” 13 New Neighbors who were born in January a very Happy Birthday And a Happy New Year!Bonnie Wilding1st VP MembershipNew Neighbors of Greater Round Rock
Welcome New Members!
Well, it seems the December Luncheon was a great day for Round Rock New Neighbors membership, as this week we welcome 2 new New Neighbors! Lydia Edwards from Georgetown, isn't new to the area, having lived here for 13 years, but we are very happy to have her as a New...
President’s Announcement!
Hi Ladies, I’m happy to announce the Board has accepted and approved, through an electronic vote, Billie Ray as our new Publicity/Social Media Auxiliary Chair! Billie Ray has also graciously volunteered to be the Chairperson for this year’s New Neighbors Annual Party....