Open House Organizing Meeting on Sept 13th, 3 to 6 PM
Message from Sandi Waeltz, Group Leader
Last year, our dear friend Linda McClain invited a few ladies to a “widows lunch” at her home. Recently widowed, she was looking for some kindred spirits. We would sit at her table and talk for hours. There were laughs, a few tears and a lot of hugs. Linda recently relocated to her hometown of Tulsa, and several of us commented that we miss her warm, inviting, safe space.
If you are a widow, recent or not, we would like to invite you to recreate the love and acceptance we felt at Linda’s table. The intent of this Sisterhood is to provide a group for ladies at different levels of grief. Those that need to talk and those that just want to sit. I wish someone had told me that the 2nd year is the hardest…how to prepare for being blindsided, or how much I miss and need the hugs. Maybe you just need the quiet, knowing look of someone who has “been there.”
So, we will meet at my house for an organizing meeting on Tuesday, Sept 13th to get to know each other and choose a day and time for our meetings. I will be here from 3:00 to 6:00 pm that day. Drop in anytime during that time for a quick visit or stay a few hours – I’ll provide a few refreshments.
I’m here to chat about any questions. Please RSVP at or by calling or texting (512) 422-9985. Even if you cannot come on Sept 13th, please let me know of your interest.