Hi Ladies!

We have 2 new members to introduce this week: Pegg Dudzinski and Ann VanderWerf.
I just had a delightful conversation with Pegg.  She has been in this area for a while now and was 
looking for a way to meet people she could relate with – happily, she found us on “Page”.  She wrote on her profile that she is excited and looking forward to meeting new people and finding a spot in some of the very interesting groups here.  
Ann VanderWerf is Pegg’s mother. They live together in The Estates of Settlers Park in Round Rock and since they do many things together, it was only natural for Ann to join as well. 
Pegg and Ann, Welcome to Round Rock New Neighbors!  We are looking forward to getting to know you both.
Ann is 91 years young and what is very interesting is that she has a birthday in December the same as our other two 90’s ladies:  Eugenia Luken will be 96 and Helen Cymerman will be 98 in December.  It would be great to flood these ladies with birthday wishes.

Marti Renger-Hopkins

RRNN Membership Director