Sept 14, 2023 Luncheon Program
Friends of the Night Sky
Deborah Castro

When I was young, I loved looking up at the stars! The first memories of stargazing that come to mind are looking for the Big Dipper and the Milky Way with my Daddy, and watching shooting stars with a cute boy I met on a camping trip. It was so dreamy! 

I realize now that I haven’t done that for ages! I don’t even remember the last time I looked up and saw the Milky Way. Would I even be able to find the Big Dipper or any of the constellations? 

My friend, Debbie Castro, will be speaking to us on behalf of the Friends of the Night Sky on Thursday, September 14th at our monthly meeting and luncheon. She will share how we can bring back the ability to see the wonders of the universe just by looking up at night, and what’s stopping us. She’ll offer some solutions and resources. Her passion is contagious! I hope to see you there!

Melissa Reyes
Program Director