In compliance with the authorities’ requirement of no meetings of 10 or more, RRNN will not meet again until our September General Meeting and Luncheon. Therefore, we will be following our Bylaws provision for electronic voting for the RRNN 2020-2021 Slate of Board Officers. This Slate of Officers was presented to the membership in the Weekly Digest of March 22, 2020.

RRNN Bylaws, Article IV – Membership Meetings/Voting, Section 1. A.  ….Membership business/voting may be conducted electronically

A special email will be sent to you on April 8, 2020. To vote, please click on the link provided. Enter your email address, select YES or NO and SUBMIT your vote. This is a time sensitive vote.

[If your device asks you to choose which browser to use, just pick the one you usually use.]


In order to be counted, your vote must be received by Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Karla Figuerido
RRNN President