Thank you to all who voted. I’m excited to share with you that the votes are in! We had 99 members vote on our 2020-2019 Slate of Officers! This not only met our quorum requirements, it even exceeded majority votes! A BIG thank you to Cindy Verheyden for setting up the electronic ballot! We also, want to thank Jan Percy, Peggy Newman and Linda Cook, our Nominating Committee, for a job well done!
We welcome Judy Steele and Alison Ivy to the Board and look forward to hearing all their great ideas. Sadly, we have to say goodbye to Marcy Delgado and Florence Emken as they leave their offices. You have been an enormous contribution to the Board and we will miss you.
Here are your 2020-2021 Board Officers:
President Karla Figuerido
1st VP – Membership Marti Renger-Hopkins
2nd VP – Programs Alison Ivy
3rd VP – Luncheons Billie Ray/Janene Lindholm
Treasurer Mary Schamber
Secretary Judy Steele