1. It’s time for our 45th annual Peanut Butter and Jelly Collection to benefit the Round Rock Area Serving Center Food Pantry.

Once school is out for the summer, students no longer have access to the free breakfast or lunch programs. Let’s help fill the void by donating child appropriate size jars of peanut butter and jelly.

Please bring your donations to the MAY LUNCHEON.

  1. Join Caring Hands on a tour of B.I.G. – Brookwood in Georgetown –  on May 15th. Sign up on the New Neighbors of Greater Round Rock website.
  2. As this year draws to a close, I want to thank all our members who participated in Caring Hands events with your time and your donations. What a difference we have made in our community! I look forward to more volunteer opportunities in the future.

Ellen Kiefer, Caring Hands Chair