Prior Year Photo Gallery 24
Prior Year Photos
Patricia hosted the Coffee Time this month. She always has marvelous seasonal decorations! We welcomed 2 guests.
16 Photos
The Lunch Bunch group went to Fish City Grill in Georgetown this month. JG - one of the servers there - kept us entertained and used the red napkins to make a lobster outfit for Bobbie. That's why we keep going back to Fish City!
9 Photos
Good Morning! Social meets each month at Corner Bakery in Round Rock. Drop by sometime!
2 Photos
Patty Prater was the winner of September Mexican Train 10. Congratulations Patty!
2 Photos
We kicked off the new year with a new location - the American Legion Hall in Round Rock - with lots of prizes. Chris Featherston, Sr., VP Product Acquisition and Auctioneer with Austin Auction Gallery, talked about current trends in antiques and collectibles.
41 Photos