Prior Year Photo Gallery 24
Prior Year Photos
On Saturday November 30, Party of One celebrated Small Business Saturday in Georgetown. We began at Handcrafts Unlimited, the longest continuously operated store on the Square. After hearing about the history of the building, which now is a consignment shop for handmade crafts by people over the age of 50 in the Georgetown area, we shopped there and other stores on the Square. We continued out to Mulligan's in Sun City to enjoy lunch and took a leisurely stroll around the miniature train village outside their window.
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Stella Liston hosted Bunco and served us a great lunch, which included her prize winning homemade chili. Congratulations to Marty for being the big winner today!
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Photos With Class visited Mayfield Park and Nature Preserve in Austin. The group was disappointed that not peacocks were present, but it was great to get together and enjoy the nice weather. Everyone was delighted that former NNRR member Linda McClain could join us - she lives in Tulsa now.
15 Photos