August Birthdays (click here)

August   1    Kay WoodAugust   4    Gena LewisAugust   7    Cindy MacomberAugust  11    Lydia C. FitzmauriceAugust  13    Suzie HolbrookAugust ...

News From Membership

This week we welcome our newest New Neighbor, Betsy Christo. Betsy is a native Texan, born in Austin and currently residing in Great Oaks. Betsy retired last year and enjoys gardening, cooking and crafts. She heard about New Neighbors from her neighbor Jan and joined...

Hey Gals, it’s time for our July Coffee!

  Hey Gals, it’s time for our July Coffee! It’s this Thursday, July 25th at Linda Cook’s home from 10 – 12pm. Feel free to invite your friends to check us out. It’s a great way for current, new and prospective members to...

Coffee Time News

We had our first Coffee Time gathering last Thursday morning.  Thank you to Karla and Maureen for helping to host.   We do need your help!  If you are willing to open your home or serving as one of the hostesses, please let us know. ...

More Interest Group News

“The garden reconciles human art and wild nature, hard work and deep pleasure, spiritual practice and the material world. It is a magical place because it is not divided.” —Thomas Moore Let me tell you about the Gardening Gals of New Neighbors of Greater...