March Luncheon Program

This year we will celebrate St Patrick’s Day on Thursday, March 14th at our General Meeting and Luncheon.  Don’t forget to wear green! We will welcome our special guest speaker, Abby Foster, from BIG – Brookwood in Georgetown.  Abby will share...

More News From Caring Hands

Caring Hands spent a very informative morning at the Annunciation Maternity Home.  We toured the facilities including some time in the infant learning center cooing at the babies before sorting baby clothing.  Everyone had a wonderful time and we look...

News From Membership

Thanks to Junia Hudson, we are welcoming our newest member, Nancy Walsh!  Welcome Nancy. Reminder: Many of you have a renewal date of March 1.  Please be on the lookout for your reminder email.  You are what make New Neighbors blossom! 167 of...

Important Change From Caring Hands

Book and Puzzle Swap – Date Change!! Our annual book and puzzle swap has been changed from the April luncheon TO THE MARCH Luncheon to make room for the April Fashion Show.. Bring all your books and puzzles to the NEXT luncheon, in MARCH, so all our members can peruse...