1. Are tickets on sale now?
YES! Register on our website, click on June 1, 2024 on the calendar, and you will be taken to the page to sign up and pay. Or, (click here).

2. Where is it going to be held?
This year the party is at the American Legion Post in Round Rock. It’s a great venue, with a full bar downstairs and a big banquet room upstairs.

3. Do I have to dress in cocktail or black tie attire?
Nope! Come dressed in what you are comfortable in. We don’t want anyone to have to go to any extra expense or be  uncomfortable. Some people like to dress up. Maybe add an accessory or some bling to make it special. Be as fancy as you want to be. It’s Texas, so jeans and boots are always appropriate – right?

4. What if I don’t want to gamble? 
Please come and enjoy the festivities, even if you don’t like to gamble, there will be great live music, yummy food and drinks, great raffle prizes, and we will be playing Bingo! For those who always wanted to try their hand at Black Jack, Craps, or Roulette – this is the perfect opportunity! You will be given play money to use and can learn how to play with the guidance of professional dealers.

5. Can my spouse come with me? Can I bring other guests?
Yes, please bring a friend or your relatives. As long as they come with a member or New Neighbors of Greater Round Rock, they are more than welcome.

6. I want to come, but I don’t like to drive at night. Is there a way to get a ride?
First of all, we set the party time to end early, so it shouldn’t be dark when you leave. However, contact us and we will be happy to help you get a ride with another member.

7. Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. We want everyone to have fun, and we are trying to keep the costs down by only charging $40 per person. This covers the venue, the food and drinks, the entertainment and casino rentals.

Join us for some fun and games!! 

Melissa Reyes
Annual Party Committee Chair