April Birthdays (click here)
We wish our 7 New Neighbor Friends born in April a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a lovely SPRING!Bonnie Wilding1st VP - MembershipNew Neighbors of Greater Round Rock
Slate of Officer Candidates for 2025-2026 NNRR
The Nominating Committee submits the following slate of 2025-2026 officers for ROUND ROCK NEW NEIGHBORS. *VOTING WILL TAKE PLACE IN APRIL AT THE LUNCHEON / GENERAL MEETING!! President: Karla Figuerido 1st VP Membership: Bonnie Wilding 2nd VP Programs: Susan Ober...
Annual Party Update
Spring Fling Update! Drivers available: Contact us if you’d like to be chauffeured to/from the event!Caterer Announced: Delicious food by Chef Juan of Embassy Suites!Donations Appreciated: Bring your Silent Auction or Raffle gift items to this week’s...
Welcome to our New Member!
This week let's welcome our most recent new member, Susan Cole, who joined online on 2/21/25. Susan previously lived in California and currently lives in nearby Jarrell, Texas. If you participated in the February Luncheon, you will remember Susan who attended as...
March Birthdays (click here)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all our New Neighbor friends born in MarchPatricia Feltman March 4Melba...
Two More New Members!
This week we are pleased to welcome two more New Neighbors! Monica Himes initially heard about RRNN on Facebook, submitted an inquiry form from the Website, was able to attend the 1/30/25 Coffee Time, and on 2/15/25 she joined the group. What a wonderful...
Luncheon Registration Deadline March 2
Hello Ladies, We had an amazing General Meeting/Luncheon on Thursday. The room was FILLED with several guests, first-time attendees and you, our fabulous members! Our speaker, our own Joyce Munsch, was incredible! I know you will not want to miss the next one. You...
It’s Coffee Time
Hey Gals, it's time for our February Coffee! February Coffee Time is just around the corner. Thursday, February 27th at Marcy Delgado’s home from 10 - 12pm. Feel free to invite your friends to check us out. It’s a great way for current, new and prospective...
Annual Party April 11 (click here)
Two New Members!
This week we welcome 2 New Neighbors! Janet Boswood joined online on 2/8/25. Janet lives in Austin and tells me she probably won't be able to participate in many RRNN activities until after her seasonal Monday - Thursday job is over in April. I can't wait to meet her...