Our Friendships
Friendship is always the main focus of New Neighbors. Extending friendship involves personal touches which bring smiles and a welcome feeling. When a member needs a hand to hold and a heart to understand, we are available.
Each Sunday in our emailed New Neighbors News we notify members about who needs cards, emails or phone calls of encouragement. We also publish a list of those celebrating birthdays each month. At our general meetings/luncheons, members receive a free Door Prize raffle ticket. Members volunteer to wrap and donate these gifts.
What a fun surprise to have your ticket drawn!!!!!
Friendship also honors our military. We support military personnel by sending monthly greeting cards signed by all the members at the luncheon as the cards are passed from table to table for personalization. Any member can submit a name and address for the list by contacting the Friendship Chair, Gwen Sticklen. The active duty person can be a family member, a neighbor, or an acquaintance.
Click on the FLAG to see the list of military personnel currently receiving greeting cards.