Caring Hands at Hope Totes

Wednesday February 26th 10am-12 noon

Hope Totes provides decorated canvas tote bags filled with new clothing, pajamas, toiletries, and more to children being removed from their homes or schools and placed in foster or emergency locations.  Caring Hands helps to assemble the items for each bag, and if artistically inclined, can help decorate the totes.  Our members have been volunteering with Hope Totes for years, and many continue to volunteer on their own.

Please join us. The need is great.

Please register on the New Neighbors website by (clicking here).

Location: Hope Totes, 11602 Turtle Lane, Austin 78726

Ellen Kiefer, Caring Hands Chair


Caring Hands at Round Rock Area Serving Center

Friday March 7th 10am-12 noon

Once again, we will be volunteering at the Round Rock Area Serving Center.  Will we be sorting donated clothing?  Tidying Treasures, the retail clothing store?  Working in the food pantry?  Join us and see.  Many of our members already volunteer regularly at the Serving Center.

Please register on the New Neighbors website by (clicking here).

Location: Round Rock Area Serving Center, 1099 E. Main Street, Round Rock 78664

Ellen Kiefer, Caring Hands Chair